Aulas de Surf para Estudantes Erasmus

Estás a fazer Erasmus em Portugal e queres aprender a surfar para poder desfrutar das fantásticas ondas que Portugal tem para te oferecer? Já surfavas no teu País e queres continuar a fazê-lo por cá? Vieste parar ao sítio certo: nem é preciso agarrares numa prancha (a Angels Surf School tem equipamento da melhor qualidade, nós tratamos disso), simplesmente vem visitar-nos! Vais ter toda a atenção que precisares - as nossas aulas têm, no máximo, 3 alunos iniciantes por instrutor. Além disso, os nossos professores são todos credenciados pela Federação Portuguesa de Surf, falam inglês fluentemente e, claro, fazem tudo para que te divirtas ao máximo.


Prancha & Fato

Ou outro equipamento – ajudamos-te com o que precisares. Sempre da melhor qualidade e adaptado às tuas necessidades.

Apoio em Inglês

Além de super experientes e profissionais, os nossos instrutores também falam inglês fluentemente. Sem problema.

3 Alunos por Instrutor

Somos contra aulas superlotadas! Nas nossas aulas temos 1 instrutor para 3 alunos iniciantes e não mais.

Condições Especiais

Os alunos Erasmus têm 10% de desconto nos nossos packs. Contacta-nos para saberes mais.

O que precisas de saber mais

  • Escola de Surf Angels Surf School (Martin)
    I arrived in Portugal a week ago and this is my first surf lesson in my entire life. My friends told me that Portugal is very good for surfing, thefore I had to try it out and it was amazing. I had a lot of fun and very good experience. Definitely an experience to repeat. And maybe I can bring some friend with me next time.
    Erasmus Student, Belgium
  • Escola de Surf Angels Surf School (Samantha)
    This was my first lesson at Angels Surf School and I enjoyed it very much. I was so happy to be able to do everything that I was asked for. In my opinion it was all much easier because the instructor knew how to talk a perfect English, and in that way I understood everything he was explaining to me. Above all I was very well received and treated in the best way. I really loved it, and I’ll come back.
    Erasmus Student, Norway
  • Escola de Surf Angels Surf School (Julia)
    Today I had my second lesson at Angels Surf School. The class once again it was amazing, and I did the take-off perfectly this time, so I was very happy after that. It feels good. What I love about this school is the attention that they give to you every single moment, so I’m not afraid at all. And when I came back today, they still remembered my name. That was really nice.
    Erasmus Student, Belgium


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